1 office for rent in Midtown Manhattan law firms

06-15-2018 | by Looking For Space

Are you looking for a single office for rent? Do you want to be in Midtown? In a shared legal office space?

Rent individual offices on a year to year basis. Share amenities like reception services, conference rooms, copiers, mail sorting and more. Get everything you need for your practice, and let someone else manage the real estate. Enjoy a convivial environment when you want company, and close the door when you don't. Click the links below to see the full listing with photographs and contact information for the advertiser.

LookingForSpace.com is a service for professionals with extra offices who seek other professionals to share their space with. The listings are paid advertisements (by the sublessor) and it is always FREE TO SEARCH! Click on any small listing to expand it to the full page ad that includes full contact information for the advertiser. Rent offices by yourself with no middleman.

99 Park Avenue - 1 office ($3200) and 1 workstation ($700)

110 East 59th Street - 1 office ($2750) 9' X 13'

220 East 42nd Street - 1 office - 190 sq. ft. (inquire for rental)

60 East 42nd Street - 1 partner's office - 12' X 16' (inquire for rental)

545 Fifth Avenue - 1-2 offices - 10' X 12' ($2250)

These are just a few examples of our midtown manhattan advertisements for shared legal office space.

CLICK HERE for a selection of Downtown Manhattan advertisements for individual offices available for sublease

Our website features shared office space in different major cities including Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. If you are looking for space you can make a direct connection to the advertising party, and tour the space and negotiate a deal with no middleman - do it yourself!. You can see spaces in a variety of firms with a variety of installation types - some brand new and others a little older. Seeing different units in several buildings will give you a good feel for the general marketplace for fractional office space and if you have any questions you can always call us at 212 986 9100 for free support with your individual office rental project. Additionally, if you have a private space for sublease and want to attract a subtenant from a particular industry or profession, we can also help you with that because all of our listings are tagged by professional specialty. This allows the sublessor to advertise to an audience of appropriate subtenants.

LookingForSpace.com has over a 6-year track record advertising offices or finding offices for professionals. We've advised hundreds of firms on best practices for renting individual offices and thousands of professionals on what they need to know to effectively look for space. The fractional office space or individual office market has long been ignored by real estate professionals because they can't earn enough fees when renting individual offices to professionals. We, on the other hand have turned the business model around so that it is always FREE to search ads that have been paid for by sublessors.

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