An Updated Site For More Occupations

01-31-2019 | by Looking For Space

Exciting Changes Coming To The Looking For Space Website

The day fast approaches when our newly "refurbished" website will be out in public. We'll have all of the current listings in law firms available just as always, but the new thrust of the site is "Shared Professional Office Subleases" in a variety of occupations.

The new listings are coded with Occupation, rather than by Neighborhood. As you browse through the multiple listing pages you'll be able to quickly filter by the occupations that would make sense as appropriate for you to share space with. We've even gone a bit more granular and allow you to search by specialty within that occupational area.

I the past, the listings were randomly displayed each time a browser was refreshed. We've decided to go to a chronological system for the first view before the user applies filters. Listings with newer dates, will appear first on the initial display, and the date on the listing is "refreshed" each month when the advertiser's credit card is billed - and their listing jumps back to the top again.

In addition, in crowded neighborhoods, an advertiser might want to artificially "refresh" the date during the month. They can elect to do so in their listing dashboard. Each manual Refresh costs $15.00 and all listings can be manually refreshed at any time, on demand.

The Modified search process starts at the top of each page. The site should know your location and display local results from the start. If the desired city is not displayed in the search bar, just change it as appropriate and click the search button

These are the new categories or "Space Type"

These are broad stroke labels and each one has a drop down menu so you can choose an area of specialty if you want your search to be granular and very specific.

Under the Space Type: Finance, the specialties follow:

So if you were a finance professional and you specifically wanted to rent space within an investment banking firm, you'd first filter your results here.

The first choice, Finance, would display all of the Finance listings first, in date order.

If you clicked on "Investment Bank" it would show all Finance listings where Investment Banking advertisements would appear first.

You can drill down further with:

  • Number of available offices
  • Newest or Oldest first
  • Largest or smallest first

At any time you can click "Show All" at the top of the page and restore the order to the original search results unfiltered and appearing by date.

If you use the checkbox at the top right of the small listing, you also have the option to "Hide" specific listings and start filtering out locations that are not of interest from the start. First make the selection in the listing strips at the top right of each rectangle.

Next, click either "Hide" or "Save". (If you're registered you can "Save" the checked listings to your personal dashboard

And of course if you double click on any of the small rectangular listing briefs, you get the full page advertisement including unlimited text and photos as well as space highlights and an email form to contact the advertiser - but our listings also include the name, firm, and phone number for each advertiser so you can simply call them by phone if you still use one. This is what the full listings look like:


Now you'll have to wait a week or so before all of these changes appear. We just wanted everyone who was familiar with our site to be aware that some changes are afoot. The site will look different, but functionality has increased and now the depth of listings will extend to various professions.

We don't want the lawyers to be afraid that they are being bumped out. You'll always be there in the greatest number because your profession lends itself to sharing space when extra offices are available. We noticed over time, that about half of our legal advertisers didn't care if the "guest" tenant was an attorney, as long as the person was a business professional. Sometimes they'd say something like "Attorneys or Accountants Only" and other times they would tag their listings "All Professionals".

In order to attract the other professional business clients that 50% of our advertisers were willing to entertain, we thought it would be a good idea to allow all of those different tenant types to advertise with an occupation "tag". This will attract people looking for space to which that occupation is appropriate or perhaps even required.

Last, we're going to experiment with a "Health" category and determine if medical office space should be included as well.

Stay tuned...switch over will be by February 6th, 2019.

We look forward to your comments and suggestions when the new site is launched.

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