Are You Looking For New Space In Someone Else's Office?

11-25-2019 | by Looking For Space

The Right Resource - At The Right Time

If you have a broker, we can help them source appropriate locations for you in the premises of another professional firm

If you're not lucky enough to have your own broker to help you find fractional office space, you can do it yourself, for free!

Once you've keyed in your city, you'll be presented with a grid pattern list showing the listings that are in and near the city you have chosen.  You can click on each photo to open up the full page advertisement that will show full details and full contact information for the advertising party.  You can easily reach out to each advertiser you are interested in by email, using the form on the right side of the listing page ("Contact The Advertiser") - or call them by phone.  At the top right of the full page listing you should see the advertiser's name, company and phone number.  The listing will display the exact street address and Suite or Floor number for the premises.

There should be a good group of photos on the listing photo carousel.  We encourage our advertisers to include photos of:

  • Reception area
  • Waiting area
  • Conference room(s)
  • The available offices, looking in from the doorway
  • The kitchen / lunch room
  • The copy room
  • If possible, a shot of the offices in a row
  • If appropriate, a workstations or team room
  • Views from the office windows

In addition to the photos, we provide an area to list the dimensions and asking rental for each office individually, as well as the workstations (if any).  Next comes the long description which should fill in the blanks about exactly what is being offered in conjunction with the offices themselves.

  • Professional receptionist?
  • Phone answering?
  • Furniture?
  • Internet?
  • Copy/scan/fax?
  • File storage?
  • Kitchen supplies?
  • Office supplies
  • Part time help (paralegal, admin, secretarial, bookkeeping)
  • Package delivery
  • How long does the "host" have remaining on their lease?
  • What term is being offered to you?  (Year to year?)
  • Do you have an option to extend?
  • Are there any annual escalations in addition to the rent?
  • Is there a cap on hours per month of conference room use?
  • Will the office be cleaned by the Landlord?  Trash?
  • Is there a lock on the door?  Is one needed?
  • Will you have access to the office 7 X 24 X 365?
  • How are the views and light?
  • How is the cell phone reception in the suite

These are the basics - but nothing is more important than your site visit to determine the "look and feel" of the premises and to meet the advertiser who could become your Landlord.

Make sure you walk through the entire office and try to get a feel for the working environment.

  • Is there paper and boxes all over the suite or in the offices?
  • Is the space neat and free of personal items in common areas?
  • How is the air conditioning and heating system?
  • Are there any odors?  (A common complaint is that someone else's food smells)
  • Is the space quiet?  Do people work with their doors closed or open?  Is there any communication by yelling?

Perhaps this seems obvious to you, but just in case we're going to reproduce the questionnaire we send to prospective advertisers who want us to enter the listing for them.  This covers all of the areas we have questions for that need to be answered to provide an accurate listing on our site.

Questions about shared office space

Size(s) and asking rental(s) of offices

We hope this article is helpful to anybody looking for space in someone else's office, and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about finding a new space for your practice.

The listings on our website are paid advertisements - and therefor fresh, because nobody is going to pay to advertise an expired listing :)

If you encounter any issues with a listing or advertiser, please contact us

Please take a look at the listings.  We hope you find what you need - and if it is not here today, it might be in another month so either check back or sign up to be on our mailing list to see new listings as they arrive.

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