Offices Wanted is now a thing!

01-19-2022 | by Looking For Space

Offices Wanted

Yes, in 2022 "Offices Wanted" is a thing.  In this new section of our commercial office listings database we are giving the sublessee the opportunity to advertise their requirement to the sublessor.

In this case, the firms with extra offices will respond to the attorney who is advertising to find new space for herself. 

View Offices Wanted

We're not trying to turn the whole real estate market upside down, but we do want to give the little guy a new opportunity to find shared legal office space with a "reverse listing" where the advertiser is the person who needs new space and the reader is the firm with offices for sublease.

If you are looking for space and would like to advertise your needs, Click Here to get started. 

To change the direction of the information flow we also have to change the direction of renumeration, and the advertiser still has to pay for the coverage.  In this case, the advertiser is the person who places the ad - and what is backwards about it is the party looking for space is the one who pays us.

While this article is aimed at introducing a new form of office space promotion, the new schedule of payment is still open for discussion.  Our first thought was to charge only for a successful placement where the fee is equal to 2-weeks rent in the new premises.  This sounds minimal to us...but we realize that it could be a lot to swallow for new customers who have never paid for advertising before.  There are 2 ways around this.  First, the "landlord" side could offer 2 weeks free rent.  Second, the "subtenant" side could simply pay a small monthly advertising fee like a standard classified.

We're open to suggestions as how to best support this new form of advertising.  Our purpose is to enhance opportunities for the little guy, and if enough law firms are looking at this section of our website, or getting monthly updates of new "wanted" listings, then this can become a viable section that we can afford to expand into other markets.  After all, our name starts with "Looking"...and it seems then that in the literal sense we actually should be providing information about people who "need" space as well as law firms that "have" space.

If you have any thoughts about what would appeal to you from a fee schedule standpoint, we'd love to hear from you.  Email us or call (212) 986-9100, to discuss this or any other ideas you might have about how to best promote the requirement side of the equation rather than just the inventory side.


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