Shared Office Space Roundup

09-27-2016 | by Looking For Space

Shared Office Space For Sublease - Options For Renting Space & Examples

Many businesses have extra offices available for sublease to other professionals. Often, the sublessor ("host") firm will specify that anybody sharing their space ("guest") must be in the same industry, or allied industry, as the host. Alternately, a host firm might only care about the long term financial stability of the guest, and be agnostic with respect to the industry classification of the business. One type will be looking for a symbiotic relationship where the guest and host can possible refer business to each other. The second type just wants a sound, low traffic and low maintenance subtenant to share their space and amenities and contribute to the bottom line.

Extra offices can be made available for sublease, or for license. The sublease is a much longer document that tracks the main lease and refers back to many of its clauses. A sublease needs to go through the landlord approval and consent process - which may or may not add some lead time and additional complexity to the process.

A license on the other hand is a document that clearly sets out the terms and conditions under which the guest will occupy the host's offices and it is generally much shorter than a sublease. A license will often contain mutual termination options (with notice), and it delineates the space and services that will be provided for the guest - as well as the associated rental and amenity costs.

Today's roundup of offices available for sublease includes some flatiron and downtown locations:

41 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, 10010
1 Windowed office
Offered by a law firm

32 Broadway, New York, NY, 10004
1 windowed office and 1 interior office
Offered by a law firm

40 Fulton Street, New York, NY, 10004
2 windowed offices and 1 interior office
Offered by a law firm

217 Broadway, New York, NY, 10007
1 windowed office + 1 workstation
Offered by a law firm

7 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001
2 windowed offices + 2 workstations
Offered by a law firm

We offer a large selection of individual offices and groups of offices available for sublease in law firms and other professional firms. You can view all of our listings for FREE - with complete information about the office space as well as full contact information for the principal who is advertising the available offices.

If your firm has extra offices, please contact us to get them rented to appropriate professionals who are looking for space on a shared basis, inclusive of amenities and the management of the real estate and IT/Phone platforms. Our agents are available to help you get your listing up and running in short order and we wish all of our clients "Happy Renting".

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