State Of The City For Individual Office Sublets

11-19-2020 | by Looking For Space

There seem to be a lot of conflicting projections of what is to be in the coming months.  I'd like to report on what we see happening right as well as what our clients tell us, concerning thoughts of what to expect in the New Year.

We have seen an overall slowdown in our website traffic that has been consistent through the last 6 months.  Traffic and deal flow increased through the first week in November, and then it all dropped off a cliff.  Somehow the news of several viable vaccines has caused a lot of people that were looking for space to sit back again, and see what happens.  Plus, the warnings about upticks in the numbers with an increased risk of infection has pushed the new WFH crowd back into their burrows.  

I get the feeling that a lot of people are "hunkering down" again.

Nevertheless, if you're looking at our website you're seeing a viable and proven resource for finding new space as well as disposing of extra offices.  We even have a new section for "Offices Wanted" where the advertiser posts their requirements in a "reverse listing", and firms with extra offices respond to the sublessee.

We have always helped the small and solo practitioner find new offices in another, larger law firm.  Our success renting extra space in law firm to other attorneys has allowed us to collect many Testimonials over the years - and we're proud of what our customers think of us.  Our position in the middle allows us to provide services to:

  • Law Firms with extra offices to rent to attorneys or other professionals
  • Lawyers looking for shared legal office space with appurtenant amenities

Attention Long Island Law Firms:  Click Here for an example of an Offices Wanted ad for an attorney searching for 1 large room and an adjacent workstation in a Mineola or Garden City location. 

If you're Looking For Space in a Manhattan Law Firm, CLICK HERE to view Current, Active listings for offices in law firms that are actually available for immediate occupancy.

Here are a few current examples:

$2,000 windowed office - Grand Central    VIEW THE LISTING  

Huge Corner Office - A Steal At $3,800 In The Plaza District (Please Call 212 986 9100)

Nice very well priced new space in the Financial District - 7 Offices For A Small Firm at 30 Broad Street

So if you want an effective listing that will help you dispose of vacant rooms just reach out to us and we'll get your space online in a jiffy.

We can provide professional assistance on either side of the table.  We know the small space market - its all we do!!!


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