Success Stories From Law Firms Renting Offices To Other Attorneys

10-05-2015 | by Looking For Space

Today I heard about two success stories from Law Firms advertising offices on our website. For each law firm the advertisements on our website were a "return engagement" as they had prior success on

The first, for Moshe Katlowitz (Katlowitz & Associates) was for a single office and workstation at 270 Madison Avenue. They had advertised the office for just 3-weeks. CLICK TO VIEW THE LISTING Moshe was a returning advertiser from an earlier successful run

David Scheichet (Scheichet & Davis, P.C.) also had a recent success renting 3 offices at 767 Third Avenue to a Philadelphia insurance defense firm called Goldberg, Miller & Rubin, P.C. David is also a multiple success returning customer. CLICK TO VIEW THEIR LISTING

So that is our first Success Report for October and I'm sure we'll have a few more to reveal as the month progresses and we pull out of a bit of a slump that was experienced in the later part of this Summer. (I've spoken to a number of Executive Suite operators that concur that after a very busy spring, where a lot of offices were being rented, there was an unexplained lull in leasing activity for individual offices...but that now seems to be over. I'll report more on that next month - just to confirm that the slump is really over.

I'm looking for a 7 office law firm that would be interested in fabulous space north of Times Square at 1700 Broadway (closer to Columbus Circle at 55th Street). I have a "Suite Within A Suite" that is available for sublease from a law firm for a 4-year term.

The space is a private section of a full floor (top, 42nd floor of a Class-A building) - to the left immediately off the reception area. It consists of 7 Windowed offices - 4 of which are in a row along the window line facing the River with incredible views and light:

  • Very large corner partner office (River view)
  • Large partner office (river view)
  • Associate Office (river view)
  • Small Associate office (river view)
  • 3-Junior Partner / Senior Associate Offices
  • Dedicated file room (21' deep with full height shelves on 2 sides)
  • 1 Built in workstation with ample storage
  • Interior area with room for 2 workstations
  • Large closet


If you have extra offices in your law firm and you want to advertise them to an audience of attorneys looking for space online, you should consider an effective and cost efficient advertisement on You can ADD YOUR LISTING yourself online, and be up and running in less than 5 minutes. For a modest monthly listing fee you'll get:

  • Unlimited descriptive text with space highlights
  • Unlimited photographs
  • Full page search engine optimized framework
  • Listing analytics
  • Inquiry retention (in your dashboard)
  • Cancel at will

If your practice is in a major U.S. city, and you've got extra offices available for sublease - We Can Help You! Our site will introduce you to other principals who are looking for space in your area and particularly to legal professionals who are interested in renting offices in law firms. Call us if you have any questions: 212.986.9100

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